Vanessa Williams - Better Off Now (текст песни)

i could feel it when we said goodnight
we both knew it had to and
we couldn′t make it right
but we still came back again
don′t be sad ′cause we gave the best we had
we′re better off now, better off now
maybe we just don′t know it
better off now, better off now
maybe this time
we′re better off saying goodbye

i know i′ll never feel the same
after loving you this way
i′d do it all again
though i know my heart would break
once you′ve loved like this how do you admit

we′re better off now, better off now
maybe we just don′t know it
better off now, better off now
maybe this time
we′re better off saying goodbye

maybe we just don′t know it
better off now, better off now
it′s hard to realize
we′re better off saying goodbye

close your eyes and i′ll be there
if you ever think you need me

we′re better off now, better off now
maybe we just don′t know it
better off now, better off now
maybe this time
we′re better off saying goodbye

(c) vanessa williams

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