Vanessa Williams - Higher Ground (текст песни)

walk me over this situation
let the sun′s light warm my face
once again the times are changing
once again i′ve lost my way
while the words of ancient poets
fall like dust upon my shoes
greed has grabbed me of my vision
turned my heart from higher truths
so take my hand and lift me higher
be my love and my desire
hold me safe, in honor bound
take my heart to higher ground

i have walked too long in darkness
i have walked too long alone
blindly clutching fists of diamonds
that i found were only stones
i would trade my wealth of ages
for a warmer hand to hold
though the path of life is narrow
but it leads to streets of gold

so take my hand and lift me higher
be my love and my desire
hold me safe, in honor bound
take my heart to higher ground

in this world we move through shadows
never sure of what we see
while the truth abides between us
come and share the truth with me

so take my hand and lift me higher
be my love and my desire
hold me safe, in honor bound
take my heart to higher ground

ooh, ooh

(c) vanessa williams

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