Vanessa Williams - Lazy Afternoon (текст песни)

it′s a lazy afternoon
and the beetle bugs are zooming
and the tulip trees are blooming
and there′s not another human in view but us two

it′s a lazy afternoon
and the farmer leaves his reaping
in the meadow cows are sleeping
and the speckled trouts stop leaping upstream as we dream

a far pink cloud hangs over a hill
unfolding like a rose
if you hold my hand and sit real still
you can hear the grass as it grows

it′s a hazy afternoon
and i know a place that′s quiet except for daisies running riot
and there′s no one passing by it to see
come spend this lazy afternoon with me
come spend this lazy afternoon with me
lazy afternoon

it′s a hazy afternoon
and i know a place that′s quiet except for daisies running riot
and there′s no one passing by it to see
come spend this lazy afternoon with me, with me

(lazy afternoon, a lazy afternoon)
there′s nothing like lazy, lazy afternoon
(lazy afternoon, a lazy afternoon)
hold my hand, let′s go deep into a lazy
(lazy afternoon, a lazy afternoon)
you and me
(lazy afternoon)

(c) vanessa williams

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