Vanilla Ninja - Corner In My mind (текст песни)

i can see a man
walk away and bend in his head
he won′t turn around

and there is her mom
lookin′ desperate and sad
and night is slowly fallin′ down

refrain :
in a corner of my mind
i can feel the time rewind
a little girl who stands there cryin′
her little hopes are dyin′
in a corner of my mind
are the tears i left behind
just mem′ries of a stolen heaven
gone away forever
lots of dreams that once were mine
i can always find
in a corner of my mind

and that little girl
in a ragged yellow skirt
she looks very scared

hears her mother say:
girl don′t wanna see you hurt
he′s gone, but he will always care

in a corner of my mind
i can feel the time rewind
a little girl who stands there cryin′
her little hopes are dyin′
in a corner of my mind
are the tears i left behind
just mem′ries of a stolen heaven
gone away forever
lots of dreams that once were mine
i can always find
in a corner of my mind

in a corner of my mind
i can feel the time rewind

lots of dreams that once were mine
i can always find
in a corner of my mind

i can see a man
walk away and hold his head
he′s gone, but he will always care

in a corner of my mind
i can feel the time rewind
a little girl who stands there cryin′
her little hopes are dyin′
in a corner of my mind
are the tears i left behind
just mem′ries of a stolen heaven
gone away forever
lots of dreams that once were mine
i can always find
in a corner of my mind

(c) vanilla ninja

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