Vanilla Ninja - Don′t you realize (текст песни)

don′t you realize
don′t you understand
it′s the final cut
it′s the bitter end
don′t you realize
we have reached the edge
don′t you see the cold
in my eyes

baby don′t tell me we′ll stay friends
love never gets a second chance
split hearts never mend -
don′t call again

baby don′t send me "come back" - mails
i′m so fed up with fairy tales
the message is clear
keep outta here

don′t you realize
don′t you understand
it′s the final cut
it′s the bitter end
don′t you realize
we have reached the edge
don′t you see the cold
in my eyes

don′t you realize

baby don′t sell me dreams again
cos i′m so sick of all of them
i′ve learned the hard way
they won′t come true

baby don′t say you′ve changed your mind
cos i′ve left everything behind
that made me love you
baby i′m through

don′t you realize
don′t you understand
it′s the final cut
it′s the bitter end
don′t you realize
we have reached the edge
don′t you see the cold
in my eyes

don′t you realize

tell me why you tried to cheat
now you′re in a dead end street
baby you can never beat
you fate - tonight

don′t you realize
don′t you understand
it′s the final cut
it′s the bitter end
don′t you realize
we have reached the edge
don′t you see the cold
in my eyes

don′t you realize

don′t you realize
don′t you understand
it′s the final cut
it′s the bitter end
don′t you realize
we have reached the edge
don′t you see the cold
in my eyes

don′t you realize

(c) vanilla ninja

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