We Are Scientists - This Means War (текст песни)

i′ve been counting down the days until you notice
there′s a right way and a wrong way to approach this
but i′m not stupid, despite how it seems
and you can′t do this, if i′m not listening

why does everything have to become a lesson
there′s a difference between candor and confession
but i′m not stupid, despite how it seems
and you can′t do this, if i′m not listening

say what you want
everyone else is wrong
nothing i do′s my fault
i did it

say what you want
everyone else is wrong
nothing i do′s my fault
so cut it out

i′ve been couting down the days until it happened
it′s the wrong way to approach this kind of action
but i′m not stupid, despite how it seems
and you can′t do this, if i′m not listening

say what you want
everyone else is wrong
nothing i do′s my fault
i did it

say what you want
everyone else is wrong
nothing i do′s my fault
so cut it out

but i′m not stupid, despite how it seems
and you can′t do this, if i′m not listening

say what you want
everyone else is wrong
nothing i do′s my fault
i did it

say what you want
everyone else is wrong
nothing i do′s my fault
so cut it out

(c) we are scientists

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