Whitney Houston - Thinking about you (текст песни)

i can′t get you off my mind
no matter what i do
i′m wishing you were here, with me
it makes no difference
i only think of you
and i living out my fantasy

late at night, a rendezvous
being such a love sick fool
it might be pouring rain
but still the same, nothings changed
all and all i feel no shame
i′m just your fool the same
(i′m just your fool)
(i keep thinking about you baby)
so tell me what you′re gonna do
(i keep thinking about you)
all i wanna do is
(like a river of wine, intoxicate my mind
i′m thinking about you)
that′s what i wanna do
(pick me up, let′s go down
i′m thinking about it too)
(i′m thinking about you)
ya got me thinking about you
(i′m thinking about it too)

maybe weeping is a game
that′s hard for me to face
(but you need me)
just like i need you
there′s no reason
just my heart that makes me feel this way
and i hope you feel the same way too

it might be pouring rain
but like a fool, insane
i run to you
i′m just a love sick fool
i′ve got this thing for you (i′m just a love-sick fool)


(c) whitney houston

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