Zebrahead - Alone (текст песни)

i broke down on a japanese street
words unsaid they scar so deep
bullshit, palanuik both make me choke
too much jd too much coke
she says speed up i want to go faster
she holds on but i outlast her
build it up but what does that matter
we can build it up but we always watch it shatter
get up the house is on fire get up i want to get higher
get up you mother fucking liar
you make me feel alone
i burned out in shibuya station
lost all my friends hazard occupation
manic compression like quicksand slip
ate too many mushrooms i′m gonna be sick
she says slow down you′re going through the motions
i start to crash like a plane in the ocean
build it up but what does that matter
when the shit goes down we all fucking scatter
repeat chorus
i never said i wanted to try
never said i wanted to live this lie
all you said was good-bye
all i ever said was to get me out of here
i focus on the flame
set it off
wasted what a shame
set it off
focus on the flame
set it off
we were once the same
repeat chorus

(c) zebrahead

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