Zebrahead - Dear You (текст песни)

dear you
what′s your name?
when did we start this crazy game?
pull up a chair
grab a drink
i need something not to make me think
and all in all
it′s all the same
the days go on and on
eleven days and forty nights
when′s the last time that we kissed goodnight?
i want to know who you′re laughing with
i want to know that there′s more than this
but all in all
it′s all the same
it goes on and on
because you′re far away
jut like yesterday
wait to see you smile
and i′ll be gone
so far away
never ending day
drive a million miles
and i′ll be gone a while
i never thought it would come to this
i never thought of all the stupid shit i′d miss
the way you looked when i made you mad
we never missed the things that we never had
and all the talk and all the time
it goes on and on
she said:
that′s right, i don′t want to leave now

(c) zebrahead

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