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Текст песни:

Сквозь мир, в котором мы живём,
Проходит линия огня,
Здесь гибель ждёт тебя со всех сторон
И часто не понятно, чья же сторона твоя. Но смерть не обойдёт вниманием никого,

Грядущее предрешено: Хана нам всем! Нам всем хана!
Спасения извне не будет ни хрена!
Ты или труп, или боец —
Альтернативы нет!
Нам всем пиздец!.. Тот мир, в котором мы живём,
Измученный всепоглощающей войной.
Стремится к апогею день за днём,
Всё изощрённей измываясь над собой. Безумию не видно края и конца,
Оно орёт в наших сердцах: Хана нам всем! Нам всем хана!
Спасения извне не будет ни хрена!
У каждого в руке билет в один конец —
Билет до станции с названием «Пиздец»! Тот мир, которым грезим мы
Не знает зависти, разбоя и чинов,
В нём не пугаются войны —
В нём просто нет причины проливать чужую кровь. Пока мы верим в то, что воплотится в жизнь мечта,
У нас есть шанс, иначе… Хана нам всем! Нам всем хана!
Спасения извне не будет ни хрена!
Ты или труп, или боец —
Альтернативы нет!
Нам всем пиздец!.. Хана нам всем! Нам всем хана!
Ищи спасение только в себе всегда,
И не покинет вера нас — альтернатива есть!
У нас есть шанс!

@ F.P.G.


Текст песни:

They′re scared of, his make-up
Tattoos and piercings
They say that, it′s too bad
He won′t amount to anything

They judge, by the way he looks (Woah)
The cover′s not quite like the book
He′s just, so misunderstood (Woah, woah woah)

′Cause it′s so obvious
Theres nothing wrong with us
It′s alright, we′re alright
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes your mother made
It′s so obvious
So just stop, blaming us because
It′s not wrong to beat ′em
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes your mother made
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes

She′s 18, so sexy
She′s never made love
So come friends, that saying
She sleeps with everyone

They judge, by the way she looks (woah)
The cover′s not quite like the book
She′s been, so misunderstood (woah, woah woah)

′Cause it′s so obvious
Theres nothing wrong with us
It′s alright, we′re alright
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes your mother made
It′s so obvious
So just stop, blaming us because
It′s not wrong to beat ′em
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes your mother made

They judge, by the way we look (woah)
The cover′s not quite like the book
We′re just, so misunderstood (woah, woah woah)

It′s so obvious
Theres nothing wrong with us
It′s alright, we′re alright
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes your mother made
It′s so obvious
So just stop, blaming us because
It′s not wrong to beat ′em
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes your mother made

(It′s so obvious)
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes your mother made
(It′s so obvious)
No we′re not about to go and make the same mistakes

@ Faber Drive


Текст песни:

feat. MC Ponka

Смерть – это стрела, пущенная в тебя,
А жизнь – то мгновенье, что она летит до тебя.
Смерть – это старуха, что бродит за тобой,
Когда поскользнешься, она познакомится с тобой.
(2 раза).

Наконечник заточен, сплав стали прочен,
Блеск ее во тьме, ты уже на жизни обочине.
Прочь. Осталось пару мгновений
До летального исхода непризнанного гения.
Вся жизнь перед глазами несется чередом
Сейчас она вонзится в меня, а что потом.
Узнаю я об этом уже через секунду.
Смерть молодых – это всегда глупо,
И больно. Душа сжимается в комок.
Пусть каждый задумается над смыслом этих строк.
За смертью далеко увы ходить не надо
Многие и в жизни проходят все ступени ада.
Не могут люди вечно быть живыми.
Но буду счастлив я, коль вспомнят мое имя.
Отныне никто не посмеет меня бросить.
Уйти в долину смерти, не ответив на мои вопросы.
Не оставив следа на умирающей планете.
Не сделав так, чтоб помнили о нем дети.
Костлявая старуха с косой по свету бродит,
Кто встал на ее пути, с собой уводит.
Она находит там, где никто искать не станет.
И очень скоро тот страшный момент настанет.
Когда в мою дверь войдет она без стука.
Костлявая, в черной робе с косой старуха.
Ее глаза впали, я не увижу их.
И себе на прощанье прочитаю этот стих.
И больше не услышат мой протяжный крик,
Она в общем то поймет, что я не поник.
Лишь улыбнется сквозь свои сухие скулы
Косо занесет туда со свистом и гулом.
Вонзится в мое полное жизни тело.
Жизнь вытечет на землю, и тело охладело.
Последний стук сердца, последний выдох мой.
Прошу, как это случится, выпейте за упокой.
Выпейте за упокой,
Выпейте за упокой,
Выпейте за упокой,
За упокой.

Смерть – это стрела, пущенная в тебя,
А жизнь – то мгновенье, что она летит до тебя.
Смерть – это старуха, что бродит за тобой,
Когда поскользнешься, она познакомится с тобой.
(2 раза).

Пусть жизнь не умирает, но смерть не должна жить.
Как ты могла пронзить, убить, мою любовь похоронить.
Ведь ты унесла все, что у меня было.
Мои мечты, сны – всё, с собой в могилу,
На глубину двух метров, в землю сырую,
Где каждый день роняю я слезу слепую
В немую и глухую ночь, превратить тот свет,
Который грел меня на протяженье стольких лет.
Нет, смерть тебе не понять, что ты губишь.
Быть далеко от того, кого так любишь.
Теряя смысл жизни в повседневности недель.
Прошу принять мой вызов на последнюю дуэль.
Хоть и сильней людей, но ты отнюдь не Бог,
Без тебя бы смог каждый выбрать в своей жизни срок.
Дорог, перекрестков, тупиков много предначертано судьбой
Но ты стара, тебе уже пора на вечный покой.
И представляя себя святой, рискуешь быть распятой,
Кто первым, кто вторым, кто пятым.
Уйдут все следом за тобой, в тебе нет жалости,
Ты не испытываешь боль.
Твой столь тупой поступок сыграл большую роль,
В моей теперь уже бессмысленной и бесполезной жизни.
И бесполезной жизни,
И бесполезной жизни,
И бесполезной жизни.

Смерть – это стрела, пущенная в тебя,
А жизнь – то мгновенье, что она летит до тебя.
Смерть – это старуха, что бродит за тобой,
Когда поскользнешься, она познакомится с тобой.
(2 раза).

Смерть – это слезы фальшивые и настоящие
Глаза потухшие, отныне в никуда глядящие.
У гроба стоящие родные и близкие
За сколько б жизнь была продана
Плата все равно низкая.
Не за какие деньги не купить любовь.
Способность мыслить творить, чувствовать боль
Ссориться по мелочам, радоваться новой встрече,
Жизнь – это страшная болезнь, от нее не лечат.
Вечен вопрос: почему уходят первыми лучшие,
Куда торопятся их души.
Почему в их часах песка так мало.
Почему их очередь раньше всех настала.
Еще одного не стало, нить оборвалась
Устало сердце работать и биться перестало
Не будет больше, боли не будет больше страха
Но будет много горя, для тех, кто будет плакать.
Прольются эти слезы - людям станет легче
Как ни странно время даже это лечит.
Но все равно ушедших не заменит
Никто другой – это закон простой
И не спорь со мной.
За упокой нальем и выпьем
Свечу поставим в храме
Никогда помнить не перестанем.
Вечная память тебе, ты всегда с нами.
Мы были, есть и будем друзьями.

Смерть – это стрела, пущенная в тебя,
А жизнь – то мгновенье, что она летит до тебя.
Смерть – это старуха, что бродит за тобой,
Когда поскользнешься, она познакомится с тобой.
( 4 раза).

@ Face2Face


Текст песни:

It′s cold and it′s
Smooth and it′s
A hard shade of white
And everybody needs to lick the surface clean
But it never tastes better

White blooms to white and freezes white again
Close it before something crawls in
Commit it, leave it, get away - we always
Drop our good side

Being good gets you stuff
Being stuff gets you good
Good stuf gets you being
And wheelin′ and dealin′ and squealin′
Shit lives forever

They have no legs, but chase us anyway
Wipe the shadow of your best friend
Gave birth to something we don′t want to be
We drop our good side

You can′t kill it

Eat is just as deep as you can fuck it
So cough it up or go down
And there′s only one thing that separates
A man...

Shit lives forever

We′ll retire with a turd on our lips
Under a pair of knowing eyes
I′m gonna take a few down with me
And drop my good side

You can′t kill it

Take it from our drummer, "Puff"
Being good it gets you stuff

@ Faith No More


Текст песни:

Have you ever wanted to disappear?
And join a monastery
Go out and preach young addicts straight
Where will I be when I wake up next to a stranger
On a passenger plane, passenger plane

Permanent jetlag
Please take me back, please take me back, please take me back
I′m a stray dog sick
Please let me in, please let me in
The mat keeps tripping
Singing vows before we exchange smoke rings

Give me a pen
Call me Mr. Benzedrine
But don′t let the doctor in
I wanna blow off steam and
Call me Mr. Benzedrine (Mr. Benzedrine)
and don′t let the doctor, don′t let the doctor in

It feels like 14 carats but no clarity
When I look at the man who would be king
The man who would be king goes to the
desert to sing war his dad rehearsed
came back with flags on coffins and said
we won, oh, we won

Permanent jetlag
Please take me back, please take me back, please take me back
I′m a stray dog sick
Please let me in (Please let me in)
The mat keeps tripping
Singing vows before we exchange smoke rings

Give me a pen
Call me Mr. Benzedrine
But don′t let the doctor in
I wanna blow off steam and
Call me Mr. Benzedrine (Mr. Benzedrine)
And don′t let the doctor, don′t let the doctor in

My, my, my Benzedrine
My B-b-b-b-Benzedrine now

My, my, my Benzedrine
My B-b-b-b-Benzedrine now

Only one good feeling that is the rest of the proof
Is on the television, on the

Call me Mr. Benzedrine
But don′t let the doctor in
I wanna blow off steam and
Call me Mr. Benzedrine (Mr. Benzedrine)
But don′t let the doctor, don′t let the doctor in

Have you ever wanted to disappear?

It′s not me, it′s you
Actually, it′s the taxidermy of you and me
Untie the balloons from around my neck and ground me
I′m just a racehorse on the track
Send me back to the glue factory
Always thought I′d float away
And never come back
But I′ve got enough miles on my car
To fly the boys home on my own
But you know me: I like being all alone
And keeping you all alone
And the charts are boring
Your kids are snoring
And the eagles in a sling
You say you′re not listening and I said I′m wishing
I said, I said

@ Fall Out Boy


Текст песни:

A penny for your thoughts,
But a dollar for your insides,
And a fortune for your disaster,
I′m just a painter...
And I′m drawing a blank.

We only want to sing you to sleep in your bedroom speakers;
We need umbrellas on the inside,
Get me just right.

They say quitters never win,
But we walk the plank on a sinking ship,
There′s a world outside of my front door,
That gets off on being down.

I could learn to pity fools as I′m the worst of all,
I can′t stop feeling sorry for myself.

We only want to sing you to sleep in your bedroom speakers,
We need umbrellas on the inside,
Get me just right.

They say quitters never win,
But we walk the plank on a sinking ship,
There′s a world outside of my front door,
That gets off on being down,
They say quitters never win,
But we walk the plank on a sinking ship,
There′s a world outside of my front door,
That gets off on being down.

(We only want to sing you to sleep in your bedroom speakers,
We only want to sing you to sleep)

They say quitters never win,
But we walk the plank on a sinking ship,
There′s a world outside of my front door,
That gets off on being down,

We′re broken down on memory lane,
Alone together alone,
We′re broken down on memory lane,
Alone together alone.

@ Fall Out Boy


Текст песни:

[Originally by Joy Division]

When the routine bites hard
and ambitions are low
And the resentment rides high
but emotions won′t grow
And we′re changing our ways,
taking different roads
Then love, love will tear us apart
again [x4]
Why is the bedroom so cold
Turned away on your side?
Is my timing that flawed,
our respect run so dry?
Yet there′s still this appeal
That we′ve kept through our lives
Love, love will tear us apart again [x4]

Do you cry out in your sleep
All my failings expose?
Get a taste in my mouth
As desperation takes hold
Is it something so good
Just can′t function no more?
When love

@ Fall Out Boy


Текст песни:

Are we growing up or just going down?
It′s just a matter of time until we′re all found out
Take our tears, put them on ice
Cause I swear I′d burn this city down to show you the light

We′re the therapists pumping through your speakers
Delivering just what you need
We′re well read and poised
We′re the best boys
We′re the chemists who′ve found the formula
To make your heart swell and burst
No matter what they say, don′t believe a word

Cause I′ll keep singing this lie if you′ll keep believing
I′ll keep singing this lie
I′ll keep singing this lie

Are we growing up or just going down?
It′s just a matter of time until we′re all found out
Take our tears, put them on ice
Cause I swear I′d burn this city down to show you the light

We′re traveled like gypsies
Only with worse luck and far less gold
We′re the kids you used to love
But then we grew old
We′re the lifers here till the bitter end
Condemned from the start
Ashamed of the way
The songs and the words own the beating of our hearts

Cause I′ll keep singing this lie
I′ll keep singing this lie

Are we growing up or just going down?
It′s just a matter of time until we′re all found out
Take our tears, put them on ice
Cause I swear I′d burn this city down to show you the light
There′s a drug in the thermostat to warm the room up
And there′s another around to help us bend your trust
I′ve got a sunset in my veins
And I need to take a pill to make this town feel okay

The best part of "Believe" is the
I hope you sing along and you steal a line
I need to keep you like this in my mind
So give in or just give up

Are we growing up or just going down?

Are we growing up or just going down?
It′s just a matter of time until we′re all found out
Take our tears, put them on ice
Cause I swear I′d burn this city down to show you the light

@ Fall Out Boy


Текст песни:

I′ve got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match,
What a catch, What a catch,

You′ll never catch us,
So just let me be,
Instead I′ll be fined,
To the hospital or American Embassy,
Miss Flack,
Said I still want you back,
Miss Flack,
Said I still want you back,

I′ve got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match,
What a catch,
What a catch,
And all I can think of is the way,
I′m the one who charmed the one,
Who gave up on you,
Who gave up on you,

They say the Captain,
Goes down with the ship,
So when the world ends,
Will God go down with it?
Miss Flack,
Said I still want you back,
Miss Flack,
Said I still want you back,

I′ve got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match,
What a catch,
What a catch,
And all I can think of is the way,
I′m the one who charmed the one,
Who gave up on you,
Who gave up on you,

Na na nananana...
Na na nananana...
Na na nananana...
Na na nananana...

What a catch, What a catch,
What a catch, What a catch,

I will never never end up like him,
Behind my back I already am,
Keep a calendar this way you will always know,

I′ve got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match,
What a catch, What a catch,
And all I can think of is the way,
I′m the one who charmed the one,
Who gave up on you,
Who gave up on you,

Where is your boy tonight (Na na nananana)
I hope he is a gentleman (Na na nananana)

We′re going down down in an earlier round (Maybe he won′t find out) (Na na nananana)
And sugar we′re going down swingin′ (You were the last good thing about this part of town )(Na na

Dance, dance, we′re falling apart to half time (I′ll be your number one with a bullet) (Na na
Dance, dance, and these are the lives you′d live (A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it) (Na na

This ain′t a scene, it′s a Goddamn arms race (Na na nananana)
This ain′t a scene, it′s a Goddamn arms race (Na na nananana)

One night and one more time (Na na nananana)
Thanks for the memories even though they weren′t so great (Growing up...) (Na na nananana)

See, he tastes like you (Na na nananana)
Growing up... (Only sweeter) (Na na nananana)

I′ve got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match,
What a catch,
What a catch.

@ Fall Out Boy


Текст песни:

Verse 1:
In my house
We dress to impress
Flip down your collar, man
You look like a mess

In my house
I see you let yourself in
Got no class, you talk trash
You′re under my skin

B Verse 1:
Don′t try to mess with my girlfriend
I′m here to call you out

You try to hit on my girl
That′s what I call a party foul

Chorus 1:
You just committed your last party foul
You won′t admit it, yeah, you bring the party down

Just bought a ticket, yeah, to get yourself thrown out
′Cause you submitted your last party foul

Verse 2:
It′s loud in my house
So don′t you dare turn it down
If you′re bustin′ up my system
Then you′re bustin′ up my crowd

At my house
You got to know how to move
And if you can′t dance
Get yourself out of my room

B Verse 2:
You’re talkin′ trash to my girlfriend
Hey man that′s not allowed

You′ve been infecting my household
That′s your final party foul

@ Family Force 5


Текст песни:

Все вроде бы ничего
Но я не девочка, я не девочка
У на-на-на-на-на-на
Уже не девочка, я не девочка
У на-на-на-на-на-на
Я не девочка

Сколько было боли, но о ней не говорят
Сколько можно спорить, кто был прав, кто виноват
Сколько можно прятать словно от стыда пустые глаза
Рано или поздно это все произойдет
Снова будут слезы - это знаю наперед
Лучше чистой правды для себя найти наверно нельзя

Может быть, слезы - случайность
Знаешь, всегда всех прощают, да
Все вроде бы ничего

Но я не девочка, я не девочка
У на-на-на-на-на-на
Уже не девочка, я не девочка
У-у на-на-на-на-на-на
Я не девочка, я не девочка
У на-на-на-на-на-на
Уже не девочка, я не девочка
У-у на-на-на-на-на-на

Лица ночь стирает и советы не нужны
Он уж точно знает, как дарить цветные сны
Знай, так будет вечно, но верь, ведь это только слова
Рано или поздно все само произойдет
Чьи-то будут слезы - это знаю наперед
Вот уже и правда неважна или совсем не нужна

Может быть, слезы - случайность
Знаешь, всегда всех прощают, да
Все вроде бы ничего

Но я не девочка, я не девочка
У на-на-на-на-на-на
Уже не девочка, я не девочка
У-у на-на-на-на-на-на
Я не девочка, я не девочка
У на-на-на-на-на-на
Уже не девочка, я не девочка
У-у на-на-на-на-на-на

Может быть, слезы - случайность
Знаешь, всегда всех прощают, да
Все вроде бы ничего

Но я не девочка, я не девочка
У на-на-на-на-на-на
Уже не девочка, я не девочка
У-у на-на-на-на-на-на
Я не девочка, я не девочка
У на-на-на-на-на-на
Я уже не девочка, я не девочка
У-у на-на-на-на-на-на

Я уже не девочка...

@ Fantasy


Текст песни:

I′m gonna live my life
No matter what, we party tonight
I′m gonna li-li-live my life
I know that we gon′ be alright

[Far East Movement]
Yo, hell yeah, dirty bass
Ghetto girl, you drive me cray
Hell yeah, dirty bass
Yo, yo

This beat make me go wow
This drink make me fall down
I party hard like carnival
Let′s burn this motha down
This bass make me go ache (go ache)
This girl circus so late
You′re that telly cake with a cali shake
I got dough, who′s down to fake

Oh my, dirty bass
Oh you got it like that
I can work that bad
Let me get that
(get your ass on the floor)
Oh my, dirty bass
Oh you got that small
I can break that off
Let me get that
(get your ass on the floor)

[Justin Bieber - Chorus]
I′m gonna live my life
No matter what, we party tonight
I′m gonna li-li-live my life
I know that we gon′ be alright

I′m gonna live my life
No matter what, we party tonight
I′m gonna li-li-live my life
I know that we gon′ be alright

Wo-oh oh, wo-oh oh,
I know that we gon′ be alright
Wo-oh oh, wo-oh oh
I know that we gon′ be alright

[Far East Movement]
Yo, hell yeah, dirty bass
Ghetto girl, you drive me cray

Hell yeah, dirty bass

No matter where we be at VIP, or in the ceiling
All we need to start it is the speakers in my chit-chat
I spot a couple hotties
Holla, we′re the party, we that
Girl move it like pilates
Put your head where you knee at

Oh my, dirty bass
Oh you got it like that
I can work that bad
Let me get that
(get your ass on the floor)
Oh my, dirty bass
Oh you got that small
I can break that off
Let me get that
(get your ass on the floor)

[Justin Bieber - Chorus]
I′m gonna live my life
No matter what, we party tonight
I′m gonna li-li-live my life
I know that we gon′ be alright

I′m gonna live my life
No matter what, we party tonight
I′m gonna li-li-live my life
I know that we gon′ be alright

This is my moment tonight
Hell yeah we doing it right
So get your hands up in the air
Like we living your life
This is my moment tonight
Hell yeah we doing it right
So get your hands up in the air
Like we living your life

[Justin Bieber - Chorus]
I′m gonna live my life
No matter what, we party tonight
I′m gonna li-li-live my life
I know that we gon′ be alright

I′m gonna live my life
No matter what, we party tonight
I′m gonna li-li-live my life
I know that we gon′ be alright

@ Far East Movement


Текст песни:

Ma niggas is coke ya.
It′s crackalagy.
1 on 1 nigga.
I breed you niggas.
Ma sons A WWWW

[Verse 1:]
The penalty is death and im inflictin′ the torch and the best of the best couldn′t mess with the
boogie down bronxster its heavy promo catchin beef with Joe but my man don′t get caught up in these
streets alone they′ll be heavy choppers firin motherfuckers is dyin niggas in runnin helicopters is
flyin all these suckers is lyin tellin the feds to see me and I was just island hopin some wala
tahele I think its called Fiji or summin like that get yo shit pushed mofucker fuckin with crack
catch a 100 in ya cap yo brain be by ya waste line LV on this track hell of a base line remind me of
the times I was servin those base lines only Puerto Rican and Harlem now that′s stardom ghetto celeb
I been since I was younger 100 mill strong still dyin of hunger under the chinchilla believe me the
shits realer this piece′ll leave ya in pieces and make you sleep better the streets terror the weak
better treat mena keep berrettas for these people and creep (fuckin crazy niggas) crack nigga

[Chorus: x2]
Damnnn those guys are gettin dough that′s why all these gangsters come to coke we get money money
ya′ll got nothin for me and if you get caught nigga don′t mention Joe

[Verse 2:]
I keep hearin that′s cracks tha truth real niggas is screamin yo Joe get back in the booth yea I do
it for the niggas who be huggin the blocks those jack boys don′t give a fuck dumpin at cops these
niggas crazy some more real they′ll get you for everythin even yo poor war grill yes nigga its
survival out here these niggas don′t even respect the bible out here it spirals out here cars and
kings too that′s the only thing this summer gon bring you I seen it all man they love it when I spit
cane walk through the middle and speed with the big chain I got em′ sick main look how the shit
playin piss stain yellow pebble bezel on the wrist main you aint Pac you aint even a great actor
matter a fact you is a great actor im 1 O G you need to respect specially if you don′t want niggas
to see through ya chest (yesss) I caught his momma at the face to face now she layin in St.
Raymond′s in section 8 nigga (follow me now) (shit)

[Chorus x2]

Yeah this goes out to all the niggas gutter the gutter jails to jails.
All my niggas playin the yard right now doin pull ups pumpin this shit in yer headsets I love you

Otis Ville you know its real.
Rakas haha.
All my niggas holdin it down.
All my street niggas gangster niggasss.
Dope boys haha.
COOK [echo]
[Music fades out]

@ Fat Joe


Текст песни:


For every shell that fell
There′s a story to tell
They say you hustler then you going to hell
Nah, I know God love′s me
Yeah, I know that he fucks with me
Can a gangster go to heaven
Let me in
I call it survival you call it a sin
I got a story to tell
Yeah, I got a story to tell

[1st Verse]
Yeah I′m right here
Gun in my right palm
Nigga tried and trap me and cage me like my san
Oh shit this mic on
I′m speaking my thoughts Nigga
You catch a hundred if you speaking in court
I′m feeling like Michael
Just before the verdict
Sweat on my forehead
I′m anxious and nervous
These streets ull eat you if you let em
Cop ull beat you
You pumping diesel then them Jack boys ull beat you
I try and listen more and speak less
Cause all that Barber shop talking ull put a Nigga to deep rest
You on the corner and I′m flying buy
Some foreign exotic mo′ fucker
You know we flying buy
Oh you got nine lives
I got a pine box
You might as well hop your ass in it cause my iron popped
And I ain′t lying Ac
Yeah I′m lying hard
Run up on anybody that′s supplying my block


[2nd Verse]
I know this Nigga named Shaheim
An old school cat
Did Football numbers
And never once rat
Now he back on the block got em slinging them packs
And his rep′s kind of crazy
Known for slinging them Macks
Got a baby with Sandra
Names him K-Sacks
Cause that′s where he did his first bid way back
Now this Nigga Sha′ got like a memory lapse
Basically you give him work and he ain′t payin′ back
Now with some connects you could away with that
But he must of fucked wit the wrong Columbian cats
Now these niggaz comin′ strapped they want they money back
And you can′t tell the difference cause some of them look black
Now Sha on the block thinkin′ life′s a joke
And his Mama just had a dream that he might get smoked
But he don′t give a fuck he been through the best wars
Knife to knife
The yard to mess halls
And these niggaz here have something else in mine
Like a hundred shots fired at a pretzel less spine
Uh huh, you guessed it
Just a matter of time
Another soldier down he got hit with a nine


[3rd Verse]
Nah I ain′t a rapper
Motha fuck rap
They snitched on Kim
How lame is that
This game ain′t shit
But snakes and rats
Fighting each other for loose change and scraps
My Nigga kicked you right on your back when you down
No life preservers
They wanna see you drown
Pull the trigger myself
They don′t want know help
Now the only Nigga tell on myself is myself
Money Power Respect
You heard the Lox
Half these niggaz in here deserve to get popped
I think we another fuckin Biggy and Pac
So you Mo′ fuckers could have another million man march


Now that Bitch Remy Martin
She′s down with us
DJ Khaled
He′s down with us
Street Runner , yeah he′s down with us
Engineer Drop Yeah He′s down with us
Them niggaz Cool and Dre
They down with us
Tony Sunshine
He′s down with us
You know he′s down with us
Sneaker boy safe
He′s down with us
Pistol P
He′s down with us
Richie Player
Yeah he′s down with us
Alpo - you know he′s down with us
DJ Surge
You know he′s down with us
LV you know he′s down with us
Full Flex and Mickey
They down with us
That boy Troy Carter
He′s down with us
Aimee Morris you know she′s down with us
You know he′s down with us
Them boys Corrupt Money
Yeah they down with us
JB and Young Neach
They down with us
Showbiz born Lord yeh he′s down with us
Diggin in the Crates is down with us
My Nigga Opie is down with us
Raulman is down with us
Percie and TA they down with us
Tego Calderon is down with us
The whole Puerto Rico is down with us
Santo Domingo is down with us
Cuba - you know they down with us
Latino′s worldwide is down with us
Hector Lafarver is down with us
You know he′s down with us
Viva Mexico yeah they down with us
The boogie down Bronx is down with us
Miami Dade county is down with us

@ Fat Joe


Текст песни:

Hammer down
The sickness
Wipe it out
Of existence
Cut down corruption
Cut down infection
Scrape down
Wipe out
Concrete (x2)
Repeat first verse
Scrape down
Wipe out
Cut down

@ Fear Factory


Текст песни:

Who was the man, that some feared
That some believed?
He was the man that would save them
From the stifling hands of terror?
Hatred was confused by lies
Was his own entity, was his own destiny
Dragged through the streets
Crucifix, humilation
Was his own entity, was his own destiny
Betraying laws of mankind
So death come in the night
Why did the father not save his son?

@ Fear Factory

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